Friday 28 June 2013

LED lighting steals the charm at stage Shows

Yes, it's true. It was a fashion event, I went there as a viewer, since I am a keen fashion follower, I never miss any of the fashion shows. But to my amazement, this was the best show I would have ever expected. The music, theme, costumes, models, each of the elements here was wondrous. But what made me more fascinated was the lighting. It was just the best system I have ever seen.
Another astonishing fact coming over this way is that the light. Each bulb was an LED lamp. Yes, they were the Light Emitting Diodes, usually being used in Vehicles and torches and nowadays for house lighting purpose. These LEDs were really looking beautiful. They were producing less warmth than Incandescent lights, that I can say for sure because, the luminance was on par with that show still the temperature was considerably normal. Although I believe they are quite expensive than the regular ones but equal cost cutting was done in air conditioning which were less powerful than usual but still the ambience was good enough. When I noticed keenly, these were the coloured LED lamps which are producing rainbow effects directly on the stage.
What else gained my attention was the placement of LED panels. Since the illumination was good enough to provide a brighter look to the stage, the number of LED bulbs was less as compared to incandescent lights which would have been there usually. This really hit my mind hard that's how Eco friendly option it is to use LED lights. Not just they are power saver but also produce less heat which means less usage of air conditioning and ultimately less power consumption.
This year I have decided to replace my home electrical bulb with LED lights. Although expensive but I am sure I will end up saving more once I recover the cost. Infact I also found out the place where I can get LED wholesale prices. It's an online junction which offers mass supply of LED lights and bulbs at unbelievable cost. Here you get all kinds of brands and bulbs including Phillips, OSRAM Led which are definitely designed and known as the best one in this field. For those who are looking for more lucrative and cheap option – visit and get to know the wide range of lights and bulbs available at best prices. Get the best deals and discounts on annual schemes. Shop now for better quality LED lights at

Friday 7 June 2013

LED lighting – Smarter, Simpler and Better option of illumination

Most of the houses have revamped their lighting system nowadays with LED lights instead of Incandescent ones. Whatever may be the reason whether its environmental consciousness or power consumption charges, the best thing is that the change is voluntary which is making it more acceptable in the society.
It's true that LED lights cost you more or may be too high than what your budget is, but the fact is it saves on your future expenses. It is rather an investment than an expenditure which is productive also. The warmth generated by LED lights are much milder than the one produced by incandescent and fluorescent lights. This controls your room temperature and keeps it protected from intense heat. Other than this the lighting produced by branded lights like OSRAM LED or Philips lights have very soft lighting while ordinary ones have concentrated light shades giving a heated ambience to your room. But make sure you buy the correct one for each proper use. The luminance produced by a 60 watt bulb will be equivalent to the light emitted by 6W LED bulbs.
If saving on your power bill is the only motive behind installing the LED lights then make your mind to the fact that it is not going to happen instantly. It would take time to recover its cost and at a later stage you will get the competent results when you can actually save your expenses. It also depends on the number of replacements you have made at your place. If it's just one area where you have installed it then it would take more time but if the entire home is blushing with LED lighting than for sure it would pay you earlier. You can also replace or minimize your lighting needs as these lights produce more luminance than ordinary ones.
If you are unable to get LED WHOLESALE lights at wholesale prices near your market, you can shop for it online and get the cheapest lights at wholesale prices. is one of the websites where you can shop for branded lights at wholesale prices. It is one of the biggest portals in Europe which offers the best quality of illumination at cheapest cost. It has the policy of free shipping to all European countries, offers fast delivery within 3 – 10 days of placing the order and offers instant discount options for bulk buyers. Other than this, we also offer sample pieces for each of our products, so you can order one piece at a time as a trial period.